Google is considered a significant participant with a powerful presence among diverse sites in today’s digital landscape. It includes search engines, video content, advertising, and mobile operating systems. Recently, there has been much discussion regarding YouTube cannibalization impact by Google.
In the SEO Office Hours podcast, Google’s Martin Splitt was asked about youtube cannibalization. He was asked if there is any chance that webpage text duplicated from a YouTube video could negatively affect its Google ranking.
According to Martin Splitt, copied content is never considered a negative factor affecting the ranking. However, content published on a more authoritative site can lead to surpassing the content published on a less reliable site.
The search community refers to this technique of one piece of content seizing another site’s rankings as cannibalization. The individual who asked the question to Martin Splitt worries about this.
Separate Ways and Rules for Different Content Media

Martin Splitt emphasized that different content media would never be treated the same. They will be handled independently, with different paths and rules for them. Hence, you can publish text content extracted from a YouTube video, as it will be considered unique.
In fact, Martin applauded the concept of taking text content from a video and republishing it as text. He explains that changing the content medium from video to audio or text is probably a good idea. It will help individuals who have problems watching a video due to bandwidth or visual restraints and prefer reading texts.
The notion behind the query is reusing content, which is definitely a good thought. You can not only rely on Google for search; YouTube is also the best place for people to find video content. The reality that content does not have significant youtube cannibalization impact has made repurposing a feasible strategy to expand your content reach.
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